The background of a stable company and the sharing of know-how. Trask reaches a new stage of cooperation with Sineta
Trask, a Czech technology and consulting company providing expert IT services in the banking, insurance, manufacturing, energy, and telco sectors, has recently joined Sineta, a company specializing in the design and development of information systems for production management, quality, and logistics in the automotive Industry.
Sineta wants to strengthen its competence and position in the field of digitalization and Industry 4.0 with the most important customers in the automotive sector. In the past, it has been instrumental in the conception and operation of quality management systems at ŠKODA AUTO in the Czech Republic and at its foreign plants.
Trask is involved in several long-term projects at ŠKODA AUTO. Recent solutions that fall under the umbrella of quality management systems in component production at ŠKODA AUTO include MAGIC EYE for detecting defects in running beams, the eFIT system for displaying faults in electronics and suggesting how to fix them, and mVIS for visualizing the production area.
The strategic partnership will allow both companies to build on their existing experience and offer customers high-added value by combining their expertise in the manufacturing environment with high innovative potential. At the same time, it will allow flexible and synergistic use of the resources of both companies, thus accelerating and streamlining the implementation of further projects.
"With this partnership, Sineta further strengthens its competence in the field of digital production. For us, Trask is a partner that brings the background of a stable, strong, and fast-growing IT company as well as long-term know-how in shopfloor IT. We will build our new projects on a modern, open, and cloud-ready IT architecture with maximum use of innovative technologies, including elements of artificial intelligence", says Pavel Crha from Sineta.
"We see Sineta as a strong player with unique knowledge and experience to implement and support vehicle production and quality management systems. The partnership will not only combine the competencies of both companies in the field of technology, but thanks to the common knowledge of ŠKODA AUTO's customers and the long-standing personal relationships between the employees of both companies, it will be a superior cooperation. For us, this step is also the fulfillment of our growth strategy and the intention to create new jobs in the Liberec and Mladá Boleslav regions," adds Daniel Pecina of Trask.