Trask ZenID

The most reliable solution for identifying and verifying your customers

We are not a startup; we offer a proven solution developed by a strong technology company.

Thanks to a flexible solution, the system can learn and expand with additional features and types of documents.

Our solution is successfully used by many of the largest companies operating in the Czech Republic.

Don't hesitate to
Contact us.

What makes ZenID unique?

Verification with just a phone

Your customer only needs to take a photo of the document with a phone, no need to worry about angle and position within the frame.

You are always one step ahead

ZenID will always include the latest available technologies.

We handle legislation for you

We will help you set up legislation and integrate the product into your processes.

We maximize data extraction

The system guarantees the most successful data extraction and document validity verification, even in Czech.

Forgery checks are automatic

Along with document validity verification and forgery detection, insolvency, debt, and payment behavior checks are also performed.

Implementation is easy and fast

Our solution can be implemented within 14 days of purchase.

Where you can use ZenID

Financial Services

Ideal for client onboarding. It automates document processing, identifies the client based on their documents, evaluates the authenticity of the documents, and supplements information from public registers. All of this is quick and easy, just by taking a photo of the document with a mobile phone.

Lotteries and Games

Allows for part of the document verification to be done online and entirely without physical presence, including the detection of attempts to present a false document. This is done easily and solely using the player's smartphone.

Car Leasing

With the high initial costs of vehicles, it is necessary to know your client well and minimize attempts at fraudulent behavior. Simply put, a smart solution for identifying and evaluating personal document data.

Other Industries

Many new digital products need to identify new clients online, quickly, and regardless of the time of day or geographic location. Trask ZenID offers a ready-made solution that enables this identification simply by taking photos of personal documents.

We are trusted by Top industries


Before the company implemented online identification through ZenID, its operators manually checked ID cards. As part of the company's automation and digitalization efforts, it sought a verified, fast, and efficient solution at a reasonable price. The goal was to reliably identify clients online based on photographs of their personal documents and automate manual work, which we successfully achieved.


The company had long been seeking a solution that would ensure a better customer experience for applicants, providing faster and easier processing. It uses ZenID with the OCR module for communication with partners and as a channel for approving loans up to a certain amount. Hundreds of applicants each month no longer need to manually enter data from personal documents, and the company's employees can fully rely on the provided information.


Before implementing the ZenID application, the insurance company used a standard paper form with a verification code to verify customer identities. The company wanted to find a faster and more user-friendly method for the end user. A technology that would save time for both the company and its customers, allowing them to access the online systems within minutes. ZenID now functions as part of the new user registration for the insurance company's online services.

The goal of the digital client identification solution was to introduce electronic identity verification at branches, offer new UniCredit Bank clients the opportunity to acquire products through a fully digital process, enhance the overall client experience, improve the quality of client data, and accelerate and automate the sales process through digital channels.

The solution is built on the ready-made, standard, and verified product ZenID, which covers all the required functionalities. We integrated ZenID into our branch and online KYC processes, personal data updates, and Mobile Banking login credentials recovery for both Czech and Slovak clients. The verification process is conducted by uploading an identity document and, if necessary, performing a live selfie check.

Michal Bartoš
Head of Digital Platform & Direct Channels, Unicredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.

At Raiffeisenbank, we use ZenID in several processes, ranging from extracting data from identity documents of Czech and Slovak citizens at branches to online onboarding (Digital SDK), where our clients can conveniently open a personal account from the comfort of their homes, and reactivation of direct banking keys using the Face Module.

From our nearly four years of experience with the OCR module, we have found ZenID to be a reliable and robust AI-powered tool that saves both clients and bankers time and energy. It represents one of the pillars of innovation for a modern financial institution in the digital age.

It has supported us on our journey toward digitalization and process optimization, resulting in time savings for our clients and branch bankers.

Michael Tintěra
Head of Branch Systems, Raiffeisenbank a.s.

In our interactions with customers, we needed to resolve their identification through iPads, which we use as a communication tool in our branch network. These mobile devices do not allow easy entry of complex information from presented personal documents. Therefore, we focused on a solution that would provide automated data extraction from personal documents and could be easily implemented into the tablet.

With the online identification solution ZenID, we can handle over 3,000 identifications daily, while ensuring data integrity of the stored information. We manage the ZenID service from a platform perspective. We also use it for online onboarding processes and other sales channels, such as remote loan management. The application does not burden the administration and advisors. It is part of Česká spořitelna's digitalization.

Tomáš Rusiňák
Product Owner, Česká spořitelna

What the application consists of

Trask ZenID consists of customizable modules that can be integrated into other internal or external systems such as address registers, SOLUS, insolvency registers, etc. We can also extend the application’s scope to the area of operational and credit risk management.

OCR Module

The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) module ensures the automatic conversion of information from personal documents and verification of their validity so that the information can be further processed.

The OCR component converts data from an image to text, so your client doesn't have to manually enter information.

The Censor component blackens selected data on the document image based on optional parameters.

Fraud Check Module

This module checks the integrity of security features of the presented documents and verifies their authenticity based on a photograph or video of the document.

The Fraud component visually detects fraudulent manipulations.

The hologram detection component analyzes whether the holograms on the document meet the standard.

The real document detection component recognizes whether the provided photograph shows a real document.

Face module

This module works with a user’s selfie photo or video and a photograph of their personal document. This phase also includes gender, age verification, and checking if the image shows a live person.

The selfie comparison component analyzes whether the given face is already assigned to another identity.

The selfie liveness component verifies if the image shows a live person, including checking if age and gender match the document information.

The face recognition component checks if the captured person matches the one on the scanned document.

Module NFC

Module NFC allows to increase the security of the identity verification process by reading users' personal data from contactless chips embedded in their identity documents. You only need a mobile phone to verify.

Access contactless chip – supports both BAC and PACE acces mechanism to guarantee seamless integration with all digital documents.

Retrieve personal data – swiftly and securely extracts data from the contactless chip.

Verify retrieved information – ensures integrity and authenticity of extracted data through Passive Authentication.

Module Reports

Module Reports provides comprehensive tools that collect and aggregate data from across the application, generate detailed reports from it and help with a deeper understanding of the identification process and its optimization.

Collect data – collets data from various sources, including uploaded samples, investigation results, client information, and application logs.

Transform to report – the data is then aggregated into reports to provide a clear picture of how the system works. The report is available to download for detailed business analysis.

Module eDoklady

The eDoklady module provides backend integration with WebReader, enabling public authorities and private entities to verify digital identity documents and ensure compliance with new regulations effective from January 1, 2025. This solution streamlines the identity verification process for offline transactions at branch offices, minimizing implementation costs and maintaining existing workflows.

eDoklad Processing – implements server-side integration between ZenID and WebReader API, handling all necessary communication to process identity verification via eDoklady.

Profile and Legal Entity Management – provides a user interface to define attributes for various business processes, also enabling multitenant operations within ZenID.

Virtual Counters – handles the creation, management, and assignment of virtual counters for legal entities, as needed.

Digital SDK

ZenID SDK is a set of JavaScript libraries (JS) that can be integrated into websites or mobile applications. For this purpose, we provide WebSDK and mobile SDK for Android, iOS, and React Native.

Checking/initializing the client’s web camera or mobile device camera (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Guiding the client through the process to capture a high-quality photo of the document (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Providing real-time document identification and displaying instructions and feedback for successful photographing (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Providing a "liveness" check guide (face focus and subsequent instructions – looking at the camera, turning head, smiling) and then uploading the selfie (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Providing a guide for reading data from the NFC chip – identifying the type of document with/without a chip, real-time MRZ zone reader (MobileSDK only).

Fully customizable integrated support for visualizations and feedback with instructions, and the ability to render any HTML through the camera feed (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Feedback checks and validators: reflections, darkness, blurriness caused by camera focus, blurriness caused by movement, stability, document alignment, distance from the edge, distance from the camera (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

The SDK is fully self-sufficient and does not require internet communication. Internet queries are controlled by the website owner (WebSDK, MobileSDK).

Web SDK, Android SDK, iOS SDK, React Native

Web SDK – ZenID web SDK is a set of tools and libraries designed to integrate ZenID main features, such as document recognition, selfie, liveness support, BE integration into your web applications of websites.

Android SDK – ZenID Android SDK je sada knihoven, resp. kombinace dvou modulů, z nichž první je základní modul pro off-line zpracování a zprocesování obrázku a druhý je modulem zajišťujícím API integraci do BE ZenID.

iOS SDK – ZenID iOS SDK je knihovna postavená okolo Open-source frameworku OpenCV umožňující off-line zprocesování obrázku a API integraci do BE ZenID.

React Native – cross-platform ZenID SDK implemented as a React Native module. The SDK provides image recognition, validation, and BE ZenID connectivity. To integrate, it is enough to call the available methods and render the provided canvas with the image in real time.

We also consider the important regulations


We prioritize the privacy and security of personal data. Our processes are designed to align with GDPR requirements to protect data and uphold the rights of individuals.

EBA Directives

We align our operations with the European Banking Authority's directives to deliver secure and reliable identity verification services that uphold the high standards demanded in the financial sector.


We align our security practices with ENISA’s recommendations to strengthen the resilience and trustworthiness of our services.

ISO/IEC 30107-3

Our liveness detection solutions are developed with guidance from the ISO/IEC 30107-3 standard for presentation attack detection, ensuring robust protection against fraud.

ICAO 9303

Our solutions harness the capabilities of contactless chip technology in travel documents, ensuring alignment with ICAO 9303 standards. This approach not only enhances the accuracy of identity verification processes but also significantly boosts efficiency and security during international travel, providing a seamless and reliable experience for users.

eIDAS and eIDAS 2.0

Our services are designed to support the current eIDAS framework for electronic identification and trust services, and we are actively monitoring the evolution towards eIDAS 2.0. We are committed to staying at the forefront of regulatory developments, ensuring our KYC services remain compliant and effective in the evolving digital landscape.

Upcoming changes? We are ready!

eDoklady Integration Update

As the Czech Republic introduced the new eDoklady system, we at ZenID are committed to keeping our services at the forefront of digital innovations. We are closely monitoring the evolution of eDoklady and continuously enhancing our eDoklady Module to ensure compliance with all legislative requirements. This enables our customers to seamlessly integrate eDoklady into their operations through our platform, eliminating the need for complex individual implementations.

Adapting to eIDAS 2.0 Regulations

With the upcoming eIDAS 2.0 regulations introducing the new eWallet system, we are also closely observing these changes to ensure that our solutions remain compliant and efficient. Our team is dedicated to adapting quickly to these regulatory updates, enabling our clients to access new features as soon as they become available.

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