New Zone for ČSOB Leasing Brings 90% Year-over-Year Growth in Supplier Financing and Is Used by 100% of Dealers
ČSOB Leasing, part of the international KBC Group and one of the largest providers of leasing loans and related services in the Czech Republic, needed to modernize and unify its digital communication channels to customers and partners and significantly improve customer experience in using them. We have therefore created a new client zone for them, which brought several benefits – from a unified user interface through increased security to new functionalities.

Business Benefits:
- Unified user interface for group clients
- Increased security thanks to two-factor authentication or access via BankID
- Growth in supplier financing
- Secure exchange of documents between clients and back ofice
- Expansion of the agenda of the existing client zone
- Addition of many new business functionalities
ČSOB Leasing as part of the international KBC Group focuses on providing loans and other related services. Its portfolio includes financial leasing, operational leasing, loans, or sales of vehicles and machines to end customers and large international organizations.
If you want to be successful today as such an organization, it is important to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions and digital environment – especially in the area of communication with end customers. Therefore, the company decided to create a new client zone with extensive options for clients and at the same time efficient integration with existing systems, seeking cooperation with Trask company for this requirement. The goal was to improve customer experience, increase security, simplify operations, expand the agenda with additional planned functionalities, and transfer the vast majority of communication with clients and partners to this new digital channel.
Preparation of the New Client Zone: Business Analysis, Development And Unification of Systems
We led the project in a so-called waterfall management style. The ČSOB Leasing team prepared part of the business analysis including the listing of use-cases, and we processed the IT analysis in cooperation with client representatives (architecture analysis) and wrote the specifications for the development team.
Development occurred in .NET (Kentico Xperience) platform, which is connected through middleware to the client's systems and central identity/access management. The project also involved an upgrade of existing portals to a higher version of Kentico, representing a technological unification to up-to-date platform versions. The entire project delivery and handover took 10 months, which is very fast for projects of similar scope.

Kentico Digital Xperience Platform is a modern platform containing a wide range of content management systems and marketing functionalities supporting comprehensive management of digital and presentation channels. Within its implementation, the client gains dozens of functional modules, from content management and creation, access rights management for specific users, automation of administrative and marketing processes to automatic A/B testing and content personalization for specific types of users.
Results? Better Access to Information, Customer Experience, and Greater Security
We managed to meet the required criteria excellently. The client can thus benefit from a range of advantages:
- Increased security: The result was, among other things, increased security in the exchange of documents between the customer and the organization where we created a full-fledged channel for supplementing necessary documentation and overall document exchange through the client zone. It is no longer necessary to complete business processes by sending documents in paper form or through digital channels outside the client interface.
- Improved lifecycle of business cases: Along with this, the business case cycle improved where customers can access information about a specific contract in one place within the client zone, clearly see a list of communication with the entire history including exchanges of documents or provided consents. This closed documentation is then always available to the customer.
- Simpler operation and information: Simpler operation is a matter of course. Whether it is a request for a change of data, uncoupling, drawing on a credit frame, or confirming consent to new documentation. Everything is handled in one place, with notifications via emails and directly in the application alerting users to news or new requirements. The client zone thus becomes the central communication point, the main "digital touchpoint."
- Greater convenience for back-office and call centers: The solution also includes unique support for internal users and especially call centers. Operators can immediately help consult customers with whom they are speaking at the moment. They log in passively with read rights for any customer's account and then guide them so that they can complete the required step on their own.
- More comprehensive access management: Everything was designed to allow selecting from multiple profiles under one account belonging to the given customer. So, if a customer has multiple companies or, for example, a corporate fleet and also a private car, they can easily switch between profiles in one login so that they see communications and contracts just for the company or FON they need to address. The given client zone then offers different options and navigation items for both FON and corporate customers, further divided from the perspective of whether it is a specialized dealership or not